The rest of the school week went well. Although there were some mild grumbles about the gradual increase in schoolwork and decrease in fun getting-to-know-each-other activities, the kids still rave about school.
Noah had a great story to pass on to us at dinner on Friday. He was at assembly along with the whole school for announcements, praying, and singing. Noah felt a tap on his shoulder, and he turned to three giggling girls who asked his name. He whispered Noah and gave them a "be quiet" look. He felt another tap and ignored it as he did not want to be caught whispering during assembly. The taps and giggles continued and turned into pokes in his back. Liv said, "I bet they have a crush on you." Noah mumbled, "yes" and rolled his eyes.
Noah brought home an invitation to a boy-girl "disco" party. He said, "I kind of want to go because his friends will be there, but I kind of don't because girls will be there." He said he would not dance, but later that night he asked me if I could show him how to "disco dance."
On Saturday, we once again hit the road for a tour. Liv, Rachelle, and our friend Jeannie and her son left and headed to Salisbury to see the mighty cathedral. Noah and I waited for Janet and Kaidyn to pick us up and met up with the rest of the group at Stonehenge. For the first time on all of these tours and sightseeing, Noah really seemed to immerse himself. He wore the headset that explained the history and mystery behind Stonehenge and listed to everything about it.
After Stonehenge, we headed caravan-style to Lacock, a quaint English village. The hightlight for the kids was seeing the house, Abbey, and streets that were filmed in several of the Harry Potter movies. There was also a huge tree that Liv enjoyed climbing.
Today, Liv accompanied me to my soccer game. It was a tough match against a young bunch, made even harder because we played one man short (only 10 showed up). I was marking a very fast 17-year-old for most of the game. We lost after 2 hours of playing in the second overtime 6-5. Liv and I still had a good time with the team at the pub after the match, where I had a Shandy (half Sprite, half beer) and Liv had a Shirley Temple (I had to explain how to make this because the bartender had never heard of it). For more updates for all of you Belvedere football fans, see this link:
The rest of today was relaxing with a family grocery shopping trip, the kids and me playing 3-square, and each of them doing some homework. Rachelle and I just finished watching the first season of the Tudors, a Showtime series about Henry VIII. We rented it from the library and have loved every minute of it. It is especially fun because we can visit areas that are mentioned in the series.
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