Ok, guys, since I am the least funny Cohen, behind the cat, the dog, and Liv's wiggly tooth, I am feeling a little intimidated by the reference to Cobert in the title of this blog....but, I have had 2 glasses of wine, so here goes. Today's adventures started with a solo driving trip to pick the kids up from school. Those of you who have driven with me know how "old lady" I can be behind the wheel. Well, going up those skinny one lane roads without my trusty Linz by my side was stressful, but it was a no beep trip (amazingly).
I also had a nice evening with our first visitor, a friend and colleague from our days in Morgantown, Jeannie, who came to Bath University for a conference. She and I spent the evening touring Bath, beginning at the Roman Baths and winding all through the city on foot, gaping at the architectural wonders of the Circus and Royal Crescent, to name a few (I purposely dropped these names to spur interest in visits...). We had a great time and it hardly rained!
I wanted to comment on a few things that I have experienced that Linz has not. One such thing is interacting with the National Health System. I have taken the kids in 3 times so far for immunizations. All kids under the age of 18, regardless of nationality, are treated for free and everything is amazingly easy and convenient. The great part is that they call nurses sisters. So far our nurse is Sister Sally. I kinda thought we would have a nun, I had envisioned a Sally Fields-The Flying Nun type, but was slightly disappointed that she had no head gear, said she was married, and did not appear to be a nun. As of yet we don't know what they call male nurses. The clinic has all sorts of public information campaigns so my kids now know what chlamydia is, you all know me, they ask and I tell.
That is all for now.
Hey Rachelle,
It was nice to hear from you. We can use a break from Lindsey's humor now and then. :-) It sounds like you guys are having an amazing time. Ari and I send our best. Take care,
"Bear Sighting"
Tonight Shirley and i went to an art opening of our neighbor who makes paper and then transforms it into incredible pieces of art.
So we saw the pieces and we were sitting wiith our other neighbors - David and Lisa - chatting while we ate cheese and crackers.
The thought came into my head - why dont I ask David if he has seen "Bear" up at his place. He said that in fact he had a "Bear Sighting."
Another neighbor, Joe Cooksey, had recently had a large tree cut down. The tree man, Ricky, had seen "Bear" in the underbrush and placed him high up on a branch of a tree. Ricky had mentioned to David that he had found the "Bear" on the ground and we surmised that it was Liv's missing "Bear."
I think what must have happened is that "Bear" was on the deck when Liv was playing and Bela, David and Lisa's dog, carried it up the road and dropped it in the underbrush of Joe's yard.
This is sooo amazing cuz we have called all over
Black Mountain to find it because we knew how important "Bear" is to Liv.
On the way home from the art show we pulled into Joe's driveway used our flashlight to shine into the trees and there was "Bear" holding on the branch waiting to be discovered. Now we just need your address so we can send it by FedEx or US Mail.
Love to ALL from Shirley, George, Sebo and "Bear"
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