Yes, we plunked down 1600 pounds for a 1999 Renault Clio with 34k miles (picture). It is quite cute and automatic, which is rare over here but critical when you want to devote most of your attention to staying on the left side of the road. We bought the car last night and immediately had a long overdue family trip to the grocery store. Being the designated driver, I had the pleasure of having 2 backseat drivers. One was the sweet Brit Emily who directs me through the narrow, steep, and twisty streets of bath. If you haven't met her, Emily is our Garmin Nuvi GPS navigator. The second is my dear and lovely wife Rachelle who periodically reminds me to "STAY ON THE LEFT! STAY ON THE LEFT!" and gasps when I am too far to the left.
After our last night driving trip, today I spent several hours on the phone with auto insurance companies to purchase comprehensive coverage. It was made more difficult because my credit cards were suspended because of suspicious activity (using the card in England), the insurance company could not enter my billing address in the U.S., the credit card companies would not let me change my address to one in England, and so on. Of course, each call has to start with me - as always - convincing the agent that I am in fact a male "Lindsey".
We drove to the town of Box to try on purchase Noah's and Liv's school uniforms. Sweatshirts, polos, P.E. tees, trousers (not pants), hats, and cardigans. All with the St. Stephens School crest.
One of the highlights of the day: I turned on the tele and on popped a premier league game, with Liverpool squaring off against Standard Liege. Fun, fun, fun. See picture.
We had Kevin, Janet, and Kaidyn over for dinner. The Vowles family has been our lifesavers. They lent us 550 pounds (double to convert to US dollars) cash to buy the car when Wachovia froze our ATMs cards for suspicious activity (using ATMs in England), drove us to Bristol to check out the car, and have offered loads of advice and support on everything Bath. We would not have made it this far without their help. It was Janet's b-day, so Rachelle, Noah, and Liv made a cake and we managed to light the candles off the electric stove as we did not pack matches.
We are finally getting adjusted to the time zone. However, I did wake at 3:30am dreaming of driving recklessly on the wrong side of the road. In my dream I was driving backwards and using the rear view mirror to watch where I was going.
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