Since returning from our Scotland jaunt, we are settling back into a nice routine. School for the kids does not start until September 3, so it is still family time, which is nice, but...we are all four looking forward to school starting.
I spent a couple of hours yesterday and today in the office. Although it is a nice space with a view, the keyboard is slightly different. For example, the @ and " marks are swapped and the shift and returns keys are one key further away on each side. I did pack a good ole U.S. keyboard, which will come in handy in my office. Similar to our home, it is both offsetting and pleasant to have such an empty clean space. I have 1 book on my shelves and nothing in the desk drawers.
Yesterday, the four of us walked downtown and found the local library. We each obtained library cards and checked out a stack of books, which we then lugged to various stores. We bought our kids the plimsoll shoes that all UK kids use for P.E., a map of Bath, and some yummy baguettes (my tuna had peas and corn in it, which I guess is common here). We stopped in a park downtown, which has free access only for residents of Bath (picture). It was nice to flash our library cards and prance right in. The walk home was extra exciting because Noah and I took off ahead and out of site with one of our Walkie-Talkies and Rachelle and Liv kept the other one. Whenever we suspected that Liv and Rachelle were passing other people, we spoke into our Walkie-Talkie ("Hello, I am Liv. HELLO!"). I think Rachelle turned the volume down and foiled our prank.
One other side story, which occurred in a public restroom. As Noah walked out of his stall, a man came in wildly waving his arms, pointing at Noah, and speaking in gibberish. Noah and I veered for the exit, and the man lunged and grabbed Noah's arm. We then realized that Noah had rubbed against a freshly painted wall. The man brought out some turpentine and rubbed it on Noah and his clothes, which did remove the paint, but left Noah smelling quite strong for the rest of the day. As the man spoke to us, I deciphered that he was speaking English, but had a very thick accent. I understood none of what he said.
I had soccer practice last night, which went very well. It looks like I will be starting in our first game on Sunday. Go Belvedere! There is a mandatory team gathering at our pub sponsor (Belvedere) next Friday.
This afternoon, Noah, Liv, and I taught Venu (the 9-year-old who lives next door) how to play 4-square. Whenever Venu makes it to the king square, he always institutes the "body parts" rule because he is better at kicking than hitting the ball. Liv also found time to scurry up a tree or two (picture). This evening, Kevin, Janet, and Kaidyn came over for dinner, which was a treat (picture).
Since we have not been watching TV or reading any papers, we did not find out until today (thanks for the email mom) about Obama's VP pick. Rachelle and I watched the Democratic Conventions speeches online and cheered. We also just found out about McCain's pick (and he claims that Obama is inexperienced!) and watched her speak online (what an annoying accent).
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