Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cleaning Routine

Although our cottage is nice and spacious - for English standards - we are making due without some of the conveniences that are commonplace back home. For example, it is much more common to hang clothes to dry rather than have a dryer. Given that the weather here makes Seattle look like a desert, clothes are hung on the radiators around the home.

Dishwashers are somewhat more rare than expected too. So, our kids have chipped in and we have developed a nice assembly line with rotating positions. In the picture you see the washer (Liv), rinser (Noah), and dryer (Rachelle). The putter-awayer (me) stepped off to snap the photo.


innisfilms said...
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innisfilms said...

Great to see your English adventures chronicled in such fine detail! Thanks for sharing. Aunt Andrea has posted a photo from. and link to your blog at:

Wishing the four of you a most amazing experience. Please let me know the next time your in Seattle!


Cousin Stuart

TLW said...

Wow- sounds like you are having an exciting adventure!! Thanks for sharing the blog - I love hearing about all your experiencing. I am laughing out loud as I read it.

Have a wonderful time and keep us posted with your daily adventures!

Be safe-