FC Belvedere End of Year DoThe FC Belevedere had the end of season party at the Belvedere pub, and it was a night to remember. We had a room to ourselves, which suited the rest of the pub just fine, as we were loud and rowdy. After the pool tournament and some food, we turned to the awards ceremony. After the Most Improved and Top Scorer awards cam the Player-of-the-Year Award. Suspense was kindled by Brian, our manager, who read off the number of votes received by different players starting at the bottom. As we neared the top, some guys started patting

my back as I had not been called out yet. When Brian announced that I had won the award, I was hoisted up and carried around by some of my teammates. I received a nice engraved trophy, with my name, the team, year, and the words "Players Player". The night wound on in the typical fashion of toasts, drinks, songs, and messing around. The owner of the pub left, which allowed us to make ourselves at home behind and in front of the bar. Unfortunately, our antics resulted in a toppling over of some players and a small table. When the dust settled, my trophy was found in bits on the floor. Bummer. I made it home in the wee hours with the little "Players Player" piece of the trophy in my pocket. When Liv heard the story, she took the piece and stole away. Later, she presented me with a trophy she had constructed (see picture).
Noah's Belated Birthday PartyAlthough Noah turned 11 on March 10, with all of our European gallivanting, we really didn't have a free weekend for the party until June 6! Noah had said he wanted

the party to be a series of competitive games, likely inspired by our visit to Greece and talk of the Olympics. Well, Rachelle and I really rose to the challenge, and came up with the "Anglo-American Games". The Games consisted of 7 challenges tapping mental and physical abilities. The 3 3-player teams first squared off in a contest of creativity as they came up with team names and chants. They each rank-ordered their favorite, and the "Gambling Turkeys" took the early lead. Over the series of games, which included a campus-wide treasure hunt (the Silverbacks won with 16 minutes and only 2 of the 3 kids hobbled across the finish line with cramps). After pizza,

veggies, and fruit, we jumped into Boggle, badminton, Wayne's World memory game, and Worst Case Scenario. The teams were within a point of each other with the Silverbacks in a 1 point lead. We then passed out the eggs, to be named, decorated, and packaged up to survive a 2-story plunge onto concrete. Unfortunately, the Gambling Turkeys broke their first one when they were trying to cram a balloon hat onto the top and then dropped their second one. They were out! Both the Silverbacks and Money make elaborate protective devices, but tied with the Turkeys as each egg contraption hit the concrete with a crack and a bit of tell-tale ooze. The final score, Money (15), Silverbacks (13), and Gambling Turkeys (13).
Centre for Pain Research Launch
Instead of "Grant Opening" the term "Launch" is used here, and it was high time for the University of Bath to host the launch of the pain centre, which has been in business since shortly before I joined it in August 2008. Sexy advertisement posters (see picture) were hung around campus and details were set. Chris Eccleston, the director, asked if I would give a talk. In his kind and sharp ways, he was able to combine my Centre talk with the David Parkin Public Address. We had a good showing with the auditorium fairly filled, and my talk went well. The food, drinks, and poster session following the talks was jovial and Rachelle and I were able to smuggle some of the bagels and pizza home for the kids.
1 comment:
Lindsey, i enjoyed reading up on the Bath Family Blog and loved the creative response to broken trophy that Liv made you. How did Noah find camping in england? I felt he cometetive birthday challenge was especially exciting.
As Winston Churchill says (and your momn loves telling) "Never, Never, Never, Ever, Ever Give Up."
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