We started the new year by house/dog-sitting for Kevin, Janet, and Kaidyn, who had gone to Holland to visit friends. Liv enjoyed laying on top of the two large dogs and it was fun to live like gypsies for a week. I was disappointed to find that the grocery stores did not carry collard greens, which - as all good Southerns know - should be eaten on January 1. I did find black-eyed peas, and all of us had at least 1 pea, so we will have good luck for 2009. That is nice.
The weather has been hovering right around freezing, which with the wetness in the air, leaves frost trimming the trees, bushes, and grass. It is somewhat of a winter wonderland, especially before the college students returned to campus. See the picture of Liv just behind our cottage.
On Friday, Rachelle and I dropped off the kids and headed to Castle Combe for lunch and a hike. It was cold but gorgeous out, and our hike along a river and through the forest was great. We did manage to get lost once, but a fellow hiker pointed us back to the trail. We lunched at the Castle Inn, a gorgeous stone inn that dates back to the 12th century. See the pictures of a tree, Castle Combe village, and Rachelle in the pub.
Krish, a Latvian family friend who is attending a boarding prep high school nearby came to dinner on Saturday. Krish is a very mature 17-year-old and delighted us with stories about Latvia, England, his travels, and his mom, who was instrumental in Latvia gaining independence.
Today, Sunday, January 11, was a relaxing day for Liv and me who snuggled in bed reading until noon (my football match was canceled because the field was frozen). Rachelle is hiking with the Ramblers and Noah is at a friend's following a slumber birthday party.
Happy Birthday, Rachelle! We hope you are having a wonderful day!!!
Love, Monika , Dan, Sweet Pea and Oshy
Hi, Cohens How was your birthday, Shelly? Love, Mom
Hi Rachelle, Lindsey, Noah and Liv,
I love reading the blog - curious about your perceptions of the Inaugoration. i will email you a article by dick cavett in NY Times.
I smile thinking of you and Rachelle back in Castle Combe and seeing the little village again - was that a lunch to celebrate Rachelles birthday. Hope you had a fabulous day, Rachelle
hi guys,
thanks, I had a great birthday! Thanks for the well-wishes. The inauguration was watched intently here in the UK. I guess since the US, and our policies, have such a large impact on the rest of the world. Most of our acquaintances watched it hoping for some change.
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