Tuesday, July 15, 2008


A great deal of the preparation stress and hassle has been handled. We now have our visas, have secured places in a school for our children, and are close to knowing where we will be living in Bath. Other big hurdles include having found a wonderful family to rent our home in Atlanta and secured a home for our cat, Miso (an incoming graduate student) and our dog, Sebo (my mom). Our belongings are all packed up in the loft of our garage, at my father's, at a number of different friends', and with 2 graduate students.

All of those achievements were major stressors and struggles, each with its own story of pain and glory. Rather than hash over those hassles, we will move on to the current situation.

We are living out of boxes and suitcases at my father's and house-sitting for the Wredes. We are trying to see as many of our friends as possible and continue to carefully select what we will take with us to England. Our departure date of August 5 is rapidly approaching!


Frankly Ronda said...

I feel your pain, believe me! Since March when we decided to Move to Mexico for a year - our life has been over the top stressful.

But - we are here!!! All not compeltely done but we are vary excited.

I look forward to hearing about your journey this year.

We have been with the kids to London 3 times - love, love, love it.

The Cohens said...

Rachelle and Lindsey,

You have done admirably in handling each situation so as to resolve the stressor and find a workable solution. We will have FUN walking Seabo and getting him aclimated to the other dogs in the neighborhood. Shirley and I look forward to hearing how the adventure progresses and on the activities of Noah and Liv.

kvowles said...

Speaking on behalf of your English colleagues, we'll have a pint of the golden stuff waiting for you and Rachelle when you arrive. ;)

Safe travels and see you soon!